Starting today, every weekend morning I’ll publish a photo with breakfast recipes that I find on the internet and courageously decide to try in my own kitchen, hoping I will get out of it alive. We’ll call it #WakieToBreakie personal challenge, as I am trying to balance my lifestyle by starting the day with a healthy breakfast. Or at least with a breakfast. Makes no sense to wake up at 5 and start your way up to rule to world with an empty stomach, right? Thought so.
Without further ado, I give you the first breakfast in the series: fried arepa with guacamole and bacon, and feta cheese on top. The two arepa pieces are not equal in size as I love to chop and taste while cooking and they don’t look perfectly cut in half as arepa isn’t cut around here, but split and eaten with bare hands. Drinks: blackberry smoothie and black organic Colombian coffee. Ta-da!
Oh, this is getting fun!